Archived Episodes
Stop avoiding change, and instead make it your default.
You could say 2020 has been the year of change. Very little this year has gone the way most people expected it to go at the beginning of the year. However even though there has been significant change i...
Stop avoiding change, and instead make it your default.
You could say 2020 has been the year of change. Very little this year has gone the way most people expected it to go at the beginning of the year. However even though there has been significant change i...
Things to think about before stepping back or out of the workforce
Have you been rethinking your career and priorities in our now COVID-19 world? If so, you are not alone. The current environment and situation has a lot of people rethinking their life. In this ep...
How to be confident on camera … having the courage to be seen
Do you ever watch all the videos on social media, and tell yourself… I wish I could look that comfortable on camera, why do I always look like such a dork? You may even catch yourself trying really hard, thi...
Overcoming work from home burnout
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues on, more and more employees are experiencing work from home burnout. With no end in sight, you may feel it is unclear what to do about it and how to cope. Know you are...
Having the Courage to Actually Start
Do you find yourself having the best intentions, even dreaming up the best plans … and then you find out nothing changes, you never actually get started? You may even call yourself an expert in dreamin...
Stop going through the motions, determine your purpose in life.
Ever feel like you are just going through the motions day after day? You sure are working hard, but find yourself thinking you would be farther along by now? Maybe you find yourself questioning the over...
Thriving in Unprecedented Times by Improving Your Resiliency
Why does it seem nothing bothers some people? They make the challenges of life look so easy. You are struggling, while they make life look effortless. Do they know something you don’t? ...
How to be visible when stuck at home alone with Special Guest Sherrie Clark!
Have you found yourself suddenly trying to cope and adjust to working remotely? What do you need to do to have your opinion heard, and how can you be seen when you are working from home? Maybe you usually work from...
Ugh, I don't know if I can take another day
Is all the change from Covid-19 stretching you too thin? Conference calls, email, school lessons, cooking, cleaning, disinfecting, too many people in one house…. This list can go on and on and on. ...
Yes, you are enough. So why don’t you feel like it?
Today it seems like everyone is saying to love yourself as you are. Body positive messages are all over social media. There is efforts to improve the diversity of models used to closer represent society. ...
How to Keep Going When the Times Get Tough
You may have the best dreams and intentions in the world. However, if you don’t keep going you will never reach them. What makes you stop working on a goal? What can you do differently to maintain...
Dream Bigger and Have the Courage to Go after Your True Desires
I challenge you to dream bigger. You should not settle. Instead you should make big plans, have big dreams, know you can make a difference, and you can accomplish great things. It doesn’t ma...
Make Next Year Your Best One Yet
You may be the type of person who loves welcoming in a new year and making resolutions. This time of year brings energy and excitement, full of unboundless possibilities of what the new year could bring. ...
Get Unstuck - Make the Decision and Move Your Life Forward
Do you currently feel stuck? And could this be because you are having a hard time making a decision that could bring change to your life? You are not alone, as the average person spends 122 minutes a day proc...
Unleash Your Productivity and Get More Done
Can you think of anyone who doesn’t wish they had more time? What if you could improve your productivity today by 33%? If you are currently wearing yourself out with 60 hours weeks, wouldn’t...
Take Control - Say Yes to Your Life
Are you waiting for someone else to give you permission? Or are you taking control to live the life you want? Too often we wait for someone else to tell us it is ok, to be the judge if something is acceptable, and ...
Live with Confidence and Turn Your Desires into Reality
When you walk into a room, do you feel confident like you own it? Would you like to? There is a low self confidence epidemic going on. Unfortunately, confidence is critically tied to success. ...
What does it mean to truly be seen? How would you feel if you were?
Do you allow yourself to be seen? Do you find yourself conforming to others expectations? Do you feel you need to hide parts of yourself? What would your life look like if you felt you were free to just be you? To ...
Be an ACE – How to be Authentic, Confident, and Empowered to create the Success you desir...
Are you Authentic? Could you use more Confidence? Do you allow yourself to be Empowered? These are the three keys to creating the Success you desire in your life. Today we will focus on what steps you can take to b...
Are You Letting Your Story of Lack and Scarcity Define You? Are You Ready to See the Truth?
Do you continually bring your past experiences around money into the present moment? Are you recreating the same pattern around money over and over again? Are you ready to break out of scarcity energy and into the ...
The Whole (holy) Human - Living Heaven On Earth with Kornelia Stephanie
Living Heaven on Earth beyond the veil. You don’t have to die to go to Heaven. Your old self is dying while you are alive and your new self is born. Naked, Free Moving forward with ease into the 5d reality.