The Free Lawyer Podcast with Gary Miles: The Greatest Barrier to Personal Growth: Overcoming the Fear of What Others Think

The Free Lawyer Podcast with Gary Miles: The Greatest Barrier to Personal Growth: Overcoming the Fear of What Others Think

  01/27/2024  10:00 am PDT

The Free Lawyer Podcast with Gary Miles: The Greatest Barrier to Personal Growth: Overcoming the Fear of What Others ThinkThe podcast episode discusses the topic of worrying too much about what other people think and provides strategies to embrace resilience against those opinions. Gary explores why we care about others' opinions, including the desire for human connection and validation. He highlights the challenges lawyers face, such as reputation and fear of judgment. The negative impacts of excessive worrying on decision-making, stress levels, self-image, and professional growth are discussed. Gary concludes by emphasizing that other people's opinions do not truly matter and provides tools to overcome this mindset, including understanding that opposing opinions are often not about us and focusing on our own journey. Law firm partners often believe that success means being stressed and overworked, which can lead to mental health issues. The key to a successful, enjoyable legal career is taking control of your career and time by developing a book of business. My friend and colleague Jennifer Gillman will talk about law firm economics and how rainmakers can leverage their ability to generate business to create their perfect situation and avoid drowning in stress. Save your seat for her talk on November 15 at 1PM Eastern by going to 15. Jennifer Gillman’s mission is to help unhappy law firm partners and solo practitioners get more from their careers. She helps them find their exact right perfect fit firm. This can involve moving to a different firm, merging their firm into another firm, or taking action to transform their current role into something better. Lawyers suffer from stress and overwork; job satisfaction relieves this stress and transforms their professional and personal lives. Jen’s superpower is being able to tell in 15 minutes or less what steps a partner can take to improve their career.


Gary Miles the Free Lawyer

Gary Miles

Gary Miles is a legal luminary with over four decades of experience practicing law, primarily in litigation and family law. His journey through the legal landscape has been ...

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