The Karmic Path Radio with Tina and Laura : The Karmic Path Radio with Tina and Laura : When the Darkness Takes Over

The Karmic Path Radio with Tina and Laura : The Karmic Path Radio with Tina and Laura : When the Darkness Takes Over

  05/09/2019  04:00 pm PDT

The Karmic Path Radio with Tina and Laura : The Karmic Path Radio with Tina and Laura : When the Darkness Takes Over 

What causes a person to "go dark", to have one's soul taken over by something that is not visible?

It really isn't about race, religion or anything else.

It's about the soul.

What happened to one soul to cause that person to murder another? What causes it to disconnect with humanity? 

What can we do about it?


Why does someone take the life of another?

What happens inside a person that causes them to undergo  some type of personality change and become murderous?

What is this darkness that takes over?

Where does it come from?

How can you spot it?

Join us in exploring this tragic and poignant topic.


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