The Diane McClay Show: Empowering Life Through Choice: Emotional Clearing
- What Is It and Why It's Important To Your Health

The Diane McClay Show: Empowering Life Through Choice: Emotional Clearing - What Is It and Why It's Important To Your Health

  04/22/2022  01:00 pm PDT

The Diane McClay Show: Empowering Life Through Choice: Emotional Clearing
- What Is It and Why It's Important To Your HealthDoes it feel like you aren't living up to your potential?
Do you suffer from chronic physical pain?
Is something holding you back but you can't quite put your finger on what it is?
You may not know it, but your body and mind are most likely holding past emotional pain. The story running in the background is influencing the choices you make and how you live.
You can change that, but first you have to know how. 
Clues can be found in repetitive behavior patterns that form from or within the belief systems we are taught, told or that we create for ourselves.
Emotional blocks and or post traumatic stress can impact our thoughts and actions, even if the cause isn’t something obvious or significant like a car accident, war, or abuse.
On a daily basis, our conscious minds retains about 1/3 of the data we collect by means of our senses.  That means our subconscious and unconscious minds process, collect, sort, re-write, re-organize and store most of the information that we encounter.
The body also stores energy and information, especially when we are under any form of stress (good or bad).  It’s like the software that runs your computer programs- you don’t see it but it guides and directs how you operate.   
Holding onto emotional pain (consciously or subconsciously) in your mind and body is like your computer trying to function efficiently while under the influence  of malware.
You and your computer have “junk” that interferes with your primary operating system.  Both you and your computer aren’t functioning at your highest potential.
That’s why it’s critical to understand and utilize Emotional Clearing.
Join us for an informative and engaging conversation about what emotional clearing is, and how you can engage it with choice and live with more freedom in your life.

Dr. Sobyl Bunis


Diane McClay host on Transformation Talk Radio

Diane McClay

The Diane McClay Show - Empowering Life Through Choice As women, we juggle many demands from our work environments, personal lives, and communities. The feelings of being un...

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Dr. Sobyl Bunis

Dr. Sobyl Bunis

As a young adult, I became frustrated with Western medicine when I noticed doctors treated my symptoms, but not the underlying reasons for them.   This frustration le...

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